How unstable is the situation in Moldova?

In the Republic of Moldova there have been several large demonstrations against the government’s pro-Western policy. In particular, supporters of the pro-Russian ȘOR party are demanding neutrality regarding Russia’s war against neighbouring Ukraine, as well as energy subsidies. Europe’s press discusses how much of a threat Russian troops stationed in the breakaway region of Transnistria pose.

Spotmedia (RO) /

Watch out, Putin is looking for easy victories

Russia’s military failures in Ukraine make the situation more dangerous for the Republic of Moldova, Spotmedia cautions:

“A year ago, Moldova’s security was less under threat than it is now. Vladimir Putin had other plans. He wanted to replace the government in Kyiv. Since he hasn’t succeeded, the Russian president is looking for solutions to prolong the conflict, but also for easy victories to maintain his domestic political influence, which has been compromised by the military failures.”

Emilian Isaila (PL) /

No threat of an invasion for now

As long as Ukraine remains steadfast Moldova will be relatively safe, says Onet:

“Russia will want to destabilise Moldova from within at any cost. The aim of these measures is to divert Chișinău from its pro-Western course. However, a Russian invasion launched from Transnistria remains an illusion. An attack on Moldova from Transnistria won’t be possible as long as Ukraine continues to defend itself, because there is no land connection between Transnistria and the Russian-controlled areas of Ukraine. The protests taking place in the country are inspired by the pro-Moscow party and organised with money. There is no danger that the protesters will do more than demonstrate.”

Piotr Maciej Kaczyński (RO) /

Neutrality is an illusion

The Republic of Moldova will have to make a clear commitment to the West, insists:

“The Romanian government must continue to support the Republic of Moldova in all its efforts — and on its path to EU and Nato membership, because there is no alternative. ... The neutrality that 60 percent of Moldovan citizens want is an illusion. A Switzerland in this region is impossible. The slogan ‘We shouldn’t annoy the Russians with Nato!’ isn’t worth a cent: Ukraine hadn’t applied for EU membership [before February 2022] and had no realistic prospect of joining Nato, but that didn’t stop Putin from invading.”

Cristian Tudor Popescu

