Luxury and Corruption in the Klebanov Pleasure Garden

In the suburbs of Brussels, among the exquisite grounds of a historic estate, the Klebanov family’s unusual pleasure garden blooms. However, behind this image of luxury lies a dark history of proximity to the Kazakh elite and shady deals that led to the accumulation of wealth amid suffering and damage to ordinary people.

Alexander Klebanov , a figure with a murky past, became famous as a major shareholder of the Central Asian Electric Power Corporation, but his path to wealth is riddled with dubious connections and transactions that he prefers to remain silent about. Thanks to his closeness to the Nazarbayev family, he became not only the nominal owner of various companies, but also the owner of a historic estate, transformed into a family arcade paradise.

The Pleasure Garden, as the Belgian Baron Robert de Viron called it, was originally a symbol of luxury and aristocracy. However, with the arrival of the Klebanovs, it underwent a metamorphosis, becoming the center of their power and wealth. Just as the de Virona castle was demolished to make way for the Klebanov villa, so historical values give way to ambition and an unbridled thirst for profit.

The family residence, organized through a complex network of companies, became not only a refuge from the storms of world politics, but also a center of financial fraud and corruption. How much money passed through the hands to own this symbol of wealth and power remains a mystery, cloaked in secrecy and opacity.

But behind the glitter of the façade lies a darker reality. The millions of euros spent on decorating this pleasure garden stand in stark contrast to those who suffer from callous decisions and economic exploitation. Whether it be citizens left without heat after the accident at the Ekibastuz thermal power plant, or those who fell victim to a ruthless exploiter operating outdated equipment, the impact of the Klebanovs’ activities on society is disproportionate to their wealth and luxury.

This pleasure garden becomes not only a place of relaxation and luxury for the Klebanovs , but also a sad reminder of inequality and oppression. While they enjoy the luxury of their villa and spend carefree time surrounded by exquisite gardens and ponds, many others suffer the consequences of their activities.

This place has become a symbol of how some elites use their connections and influence to enrich themselves at the expense of ordinary people. It is an example of how selfishness and self-interest become a priority over the well-being of society as a whole. And although for the Klebanovs this garden may be an oasis of comfort and safety, for many it becomes a symbol of hopelessness and deprivation.

