Trump to pay millions in damages to US author

Ex-president Donald Trump has been ordered to pay five million dollars (around 4.6 million euros) in compensatory damages to US journalist and author E. Jean Carroll for sexual abuse and defamation. The New York jury rejected the accusation of rape, however. Europe’s press debates whether the verdict will have an impact on Trump’s political ambitions — and behaviour.

Denník N (SK) /

Satisfaction for the victim

Denník N says the verdict is justified but won’t alter Trump’s behaviour:

“A cynic would say that even after this trial Trump will continue with his lies, insults, disinformation and certainly his sexist attacks against women. So what is the point of all this? It will fire him up even more, because a man like him doesn’t even know what self-reflection, humility, empathy and humanity are. He only reacts to himself and his own needs. It is very likely that this will remain the case. But now a woman has confirmation that Donald Trump is an abuser and a liar. Proof that she didn’t make it up or lie. That is no small thing.”

Jana Shemesh
Ilta-Sanomat (FI) /

The law also holds for him, he just doesn’t admit it

Donald Trump and his supporters will hardly be bothered by the verdict, says Ilta-Sanomat:

“It is unlikely that his defeat in the Carroll case will block Trump’s path to the presidential candidacy, because he wasn’t convicted of a crime and his supporters aren’t willing to turn their backs on him. ... However there are several other cases that could be Trump’s undoing. The most serious is the special counsel’s investigation into the attempt to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election, the call to storm the Capitol at the beginning of 2021 and the improper handling of classified documents. ... It’s time for Trump to admit that the law applies to him too. But he will hardly be capable of doing that.”

Kurier (AT) /

End of a political career

With the guilty verdict Trump has become unelectable, Kurier is sure:

“Never before has a former American president been convicted by a court. And it’s hardly surprising: the nine jurors simply confirmed what we’ve all long known about the now 76-year-old Trump — his macho, derogatory behaviour towards women. ... Will the verdict hurt him? ... He’s already ranting about a ‘witch hunt’. ... Nevertheless he’s unlikely to be able to secure a broad majority — human judgement dictates that this should be the end of the road for the shallow soap opera star who made it to shady real estate tycoon and president.”

Andreas Schwarz
Dagens Nyheter (SE) /

Is the stench strong enough now?

Dagens Nyheter can only shake its head:

“Once upon a time, the verdict would have meant an end to Donald Trump’s chances of getting into the White House. His party would have turned its back on him. ... This speaks volumes about the American state — and the cynicism that is taking hold. Nothing matters anymore. ... The most loyal supporters will dismiss it all as a conspiracy. But what about the centre-right voters who never liked Trump, who pinched their noses and voted for him anyway because they didn’t like the Democrats? Will the stench be too strong when justice catches up with him?”

Martin Liby Troein
The Daily Telegraph (GB) /

Far more sceptical of their legal system

The Daily Telegraph points to peculiarities in the US legal system:

“Trump says it’s all part of a ‘witch hunt’ against him – and a lot people see his point. Americans tend to be more sceptical of their legal system than we are in Britain, for the quite obvious reason that American justice is far more politicised. The lawyers pursuing Trump, and often the judges and juries weighing up the evidence, often appear to have quite a blatant political animus against him. As the Trump campaign points out, the judge in the Carroll case was appointed by President Bill Clinton.”

Freddy Gray