Where is Nawalny?

Alexei Navalny, Russia’s best-known prisoner, has been untraceable for more than two weeks — at least for his supporters, who have now even offered a reward for information about the fate of the prominent Putin critic. The authorities remain silent, prompting rumours about illness, a transfer or even a planned exchange.

Vladislav Inozemtsev (RU) /

Solidarity is being suppressed

Economist Vladislav Inozemtsev explains on Facebook why few people in Russia openly express concern about Navalny:

“In 2021, when Navalny returned from Berlin and was arrested, there were demonstrations in dozens of Russian cities, and more than ten thousand demonstrators were detained ... Today, by contrast, a deafening silence prevails in the country ... There are many indications that people are afraid of reprisals and therefore reluctant to show their dissatisfaction in any way. In my opinion, however, the majority are keeping a low profile mainly because they are aware of the futility of any action.”

Wladislaw Inosemzew
La Stampa (IT) /

Moscow’s silence is systematic

The Kremlin is being deliberately inhumane in Navalny’s case, La Stampa observes:

“What is left of his organisation — mainly in European exile — has attempted to launch a campaign to force the Russian government to answer the question ‘whereisnavalny.’ But for obvious reasons, the mobilisation has taken place mainly abroad. In Russia, silence prevails. ... Naturally, the government also remains silent, no longer feeling obligated to show a humane face, and instead using the disappearance of the political prisoner to show what fate awaits those who dare to protest.”

Anna Zafesova
The Times (GB) /

Where is the outrage?

The world is leaving dissidents like Navalny in the lurch, complains The Times:

“Maybe he was banking on international outrage over his likely ill treatment. That outrage hasn’t happened. Aside from the campaign waged by his close supporters, the free world has conspired in making Navalny disappear. ... The astounding courage of those who refuse to capitulate to tyranny and terror is a consoling testament to the human spirit and heroic determination never to give in. Despair is most likely to descend if such people feel abandoned by a world that is indifferent to their fate.”

Melanie Phillips